Joseph Amponsah


About the author

Joseph Amponsah

Joseph writes about finance, information systems and strategy. He consults for small and medium-scale businesses in areas of finance, strategy and business processes.

6 Supply Businesses in Ghana that require Small Capital in Ghana

Supply businesses can be profitable, if well managed. Timely delivery, quality products and affordable pricing are a few things that can get u to stay long in the business. However, many, without trying, sit back and believe that these businesses require very big capital to start. No. Not all of these businesses require big initial capital. Here are some of those you can start with less than GHc10,000 (equivalent to US$2,600) when you are in Ghana

  1. Foodstuff Distribution

With over 25million population, vast farmlands and long distance between farming communities and densely populated towns and cities, Ghana is a good spot to engage in the carting of foodstuff from the farming communities to the cities and towns where they are heavily consumed.  Market centres, schools, restaurants and hotels are your major customers. Foods like yam, plantain, cassava, palm oil, corn and cocoyam are some of the fast moving foodstuff to supply.Establish a good business relationship with a few and you are in business. Timely delivery, quality foods and affordable prices would take you to the top. You don’t have to be very rich to start this business. As little as GHc5,000 or less can begin buying foodstuff from the village for onward delivery and sale in the towns and cities.

  1. Stationery Supplies

The world has not gone completely paperless yet. And Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya and other countries on the African continent are far from being completely paperless. Tones of paper is consumed on daily basis in these countries. Deposit slips, invoices, receipt books, letterheads and business cards, tolls and tickets, exercise books, and many more. Your job is to identify consumers of such products and place yourself in a position to supply them with what they need. Contact schools, banks, business organizations and broker a deal to supply them stationery. You can start this business with as little as GHc5,000.

  1. Scratch Cards

At the end of March 2016, Ghana’s mobile voice subscription stood at a little over 36.1 million according to the National Communication Authority. Such a big market for the supply of scratch cards. You can place yourself somewhere within the supply chain and make some money, albeit meeting all regulatory and service provider requirements. With GHc10,000 you can place yourself in the supply chain.

  1. Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables

These are items needed by every household on daily basis. Positioning yourself as a business in the supply of such items can make you rich. Profit margins are at least 15% on fruits and vegetables. Hotels, restaurants, and catering service providers are large-scale consumers of these produce. GHc4,000 can put you in business.

  1. Bakery Products

Schools with boarding facilities are one of the institutions that require constant supply of bread and other items. If you know any of such schools, approach their management and try and negotiate a better deal for them. With superior quality, affordable pricing, and timely delivery, you would be able to win a few more schools to add to your portfolio. Supplying bakery products does not require huge capital. You can start small and expand as your money grows. GHc5,000 is enough to start this, bearing in mind about 7% margin is there for grabs. Sales cycle is less than one week. In some cases, a day.

  1. Drinks and Water

Bottled and sachet water are perhaps the most consumed item in Ghana’s major cities. Placing your business in a position to supply these water and drinks to retail outlets would yield you about 10% margin. The cycle is short –about a week or less, and so you have the opportunity to make so much. You must however, keep an eye on your overheads.

You can look around you and find out what people are consuming. Who is supplying them and if they are adequately supplied at the right price and highest quality. You may as well create the need for one.

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