how to use ATM card

Kwabena Okyire Appianing


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Kwabena Okyire Appianing

Considered the #1 authority on engineering profitable customer acquisition campaigns, Kwabena is the marketing expert other experts go to when they need help

How to use ATM Cards –to Withdraw Cash

Automated Teller Machines (ATM) are money dispensing and in recent times cash accepting machines that makes banking convenient and easier than joining long queues in banking halls. In Ghana and Nigeria especially, and other African countries that have heavy cash-based economies, the ATM is even more useful than you can imagine.

Not many have them, and not many can and love to use them. But it is very important, for its numerous benefits, to use your ATM cards. This is how you use them to withdraw money from your account.

Step 1: Insert Card.

Insert Card in a manner as indicated on the card. Usually you would see an arrow on the card which indicates that you insert the end of the card where the arrow is pointing


Step 2: Select your Language.

This is quite easy to do I think. Not all ATMs would ask you to select your language. Many have been programmed to display only one language – usually the official language of the country in which you find yourself. Example English for Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya


Step 3: Enter your PIN.

The ATM would ask you to enter your PIN. It would usually display spaces corresponding to the number of digits of your PIN


Step 4: Transaction Type.

This is where you choose from among a list provided by the ATM, the type of transaction you want to do. For example, check your balance, deposit cash or withdraw cash.


Step 5: Account Type.

You would be asked to choose the type of account you are running –the one linked to the ATM card you are using. You would often choose between checking (current) or savings account, and other types provided by your bank or financial institution


Step 6: Enter Amount.

If you chose withdrawal at step 4, then it is time to indicate how much you want to withdraw from your account. Once you have performed the steps indicated above, you enter an amount in multiples indicated on the screen of the ATM.


Step 7: Take Your Money.

If you entered the right amount in step 6 and your account is adequately funded, the ATM will dispense your cash to you. Most ATMs prompt you to take your cash when the money comes out.


Step 8: Another Transactions.

If you have another transaction to perform, you can select that option to go through the process again. Else, you can end it and wait for your card to be ejected.

Always remember to wait for your card to be ejected and take it before you leave the Automated Teller Machine. Also, some ATMs would ask you if you require printed receipt for your transaction (you basically have to select yes or not), while others would print you receipt by default.



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